Basic Info
October 3rd-5th 2025. Withlacoochee Stat Forest. 20 Teams maximum allowed. Each team is a 2 person team, (1) Driver (1) Co-Driver. Participants must be 18 years of age at time of event. 1 4WD vehicle of any make and model, vehicle must be no longer then 20 feet long and 8 feet wide with a maximum size tire of 40 inches. Vehicle must be driven by licensed drivers, have current valid registration, insurance and be DOT approved. No participant may be under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol during the event. We will put a tracker on your vehicle the entire duration of the event for safety. All participants must complete the TreadLightly 101 Course prior to competing. Firearms and ammunition will be provided. No alcohol or drugs at any time during the event. No generators. Just a reminder challengers: you are required to be self-contained for the entire event, meaning that you must bring all items needed to camp and compete including food and shelter. Once you arrive and check in, you will be required to stay in the camp area unless actively competing. Once registration fee and form are filled out and paid (you can also PayPal @LTLAWSON96, we will email you with your registration confirmation. Please email a photo of your rig to our email [email protected] Pre registration is in February only, open registration will start April 2025. Use code EARLY2025 during February to save $150 off of your registration. |
Minimum required Equipment list
Vehicle Registration Valid drivers licenses Valid Insurance First Aid Kit Fire Extinguisher - 5LB Gloves - For winching Winch Recovery strap - NO HOOKS Tree saver 4 Rescue shackles Kinetic Rope Winch line dampener Pulley block Winch line extension - Minimum 50 feet Flashlight Fuel Cans - Must have sealed/secure tops Whistle Farm style jack CB or VHF radio Cell Phone |